Breeding Plans
NEWS ALERT! The Puppies are here!
2024 was a rough year for our family so breeding plans did not go as expected. The good news is that we have had two successful breedings with Chili and Elric (born 3/10/2025) and Elsie to Armani (owned by another breeder) and born 3/17//2025. Currently, all the puppies are reserved. We will breed Fallon in the summer on her next heat cycle. If successful, puppies would be available in Fall 2025. We have not yet determined who we will breed her to. While I have some applications for fall 2025 puppies, there may be some availability.
Just a quick reminder that if you have submitted an application, and have not updated it, please do so and if you are ready for a puppy this year.
For any seriously interested persons, we do require a “pre-puppy application” (below), as we want to make sure our puppies will be going to great homes with great people. We do maintain a wait-list, so we ask that you be patient as puppies are not always available when you are. We are very careful in our breeding practices and always keep the health and welfare of our dogs at the forefront. We will not breed puppies just to make a sale. Please check with us for any availability or planned breeding.
While puppy scams and backyard breeders have been around awhile, they increased dramatically during the pandemic. Any quality breeder will be happy to share with you the parent dog results of the health and structure tests/exams the Lagotto Romagnolo Club of America requires of its breeders. These include DNA testing for known genetic conditions, hip and patella certification, eye and heart exams. Always ask! We are always happy to share this information with you.
We do welcome inquires and always happy to answer any and all questions. We also accept visitors by appointment.
happy owner
“Therese is wonderful! She helped us pick the perfect puppy and has continued to support us through training advice, grooming help, and education about the wonderful Lagotto breed.”
our commitment
Puppy placement

AKC Registered
Our puppies are all registered with the American Kennel Club. AKC is the recognized dog breed experts.


It is our commitment to make sure that each of our puppies will be placed in the best possible homes.

Adoption package
We will give you a puppy starter kit, and a list of other resources for nutrition, training and general care.
Our commitment to you is to be here as a resource,
offer a support system, and answer any questions you may have.