
Biscuit with Keegan and family at Madigan
In 2018, we got a phone call that will tear at every breeders heart. A mother was looking for a Lagotto for her very sick daughter. Her daughter, just 8 years old, had been researching dog breeds and was convinced a Lagotto was the right dog. The family had wanted a dog, but with the daughter being so sick with cancer, they were holding off until she got better. After several therapies did not work, it was clear the time to fulfill the girls wish of having a puppy was getting short. We were honored to make this wish come true and Zulu, renamed Biscuit, was the puppy selected. For a time, the young girl made some great improvement and the doctors were able to reduce some of her medications. Biscuit was her constant companion. Unfortunately, her cancer became too much and she succumbed to the disease, but Biscuit made her last 7 months more bearable. Biscuit has been getting training as a therapy dog, and the family are grateful that he brought Keegan so much joy, and he continues to bring comfort to them. They are looking to add another Lagotto to their home in the future.

The Dogs of Montagna del Mare

“Tess” was born July 2007 and came to us in 2011. She had one litter with us before retiring in 2012. She was the kindest, gentlest dog you’ll ever meet, but her life came to an end in October 2021. We have been heartbroken since her passing and miss her every day. She was truly a “one of a kind” dog and we shall hold of piece of her in our hearts, but she is now running free with her buddies, Guido, Dixie, Gizmo, and now granddaughter, Fendi.

Romakome Lieto Guido
April 9, 2005 – March 9, 2019
Guido was our first venture into a Lagotto Romagnolo. The love affair all began with a simple calendar photo and grew from there. Guido cam to us from the Netherlands and one of very few in the US in 2005. He was an ambassador of the breed at many “meet the breed” events and did earn his IABCA Championship in the show ring. We learned so very much from him and miss him terribly. Rest in Peace little guy. You are forever in our hearts.

Dixie, the Lab
Est. April 2002 to June 2, 2018
OK, not a Lagotto, but one of the best surrogates you could ask for. Dixie came to us as a stray that someone dumped in our neighborhood. With no one claiming her after searching for weeks, it was obvious she was meant for us. Kind, patient and sweet are just some of the words to describe this wonderful girl. She adored Guido and they were inseparable. Dixie loved to play with the puppies and would literally let them climb all over her. She was also their guardian. Dixie said her good-byes to us at 16 years old.

Bullie & Meucci
Bullie the Cat
Est. 1998 to August 16, 2016
While not a dog, she sure loved them all. Owned by a neighbor that abandoned them, she took residence at our house quickly. We welcomed her with open arms as she was one of the easiest cats to have around. She preferred to sleep in Dan’s shop in the garage, but when we had puppies and had them outside, she made sure to visit them and let them chew her ears and tail. She was raised with dogs so loved being around them, and had some very dog-like behaviors.
(NOTE: In the photo with Bullie is Montagna del Mare Meucci who lived in Maine. Meucci died in July 2020 of cancer, just shy of his 5th birthday).