Contracts and Applications

Montagna del Mare Puppy Waitlist Application

Information: As a responsible breeder, we want to make sure that our puppies only go to the best possible homes.  Please understand that this is the first step in the process of being approved for the waitlist. Once an application is received, it will be reviewed and we will then schedule a follow-up phone call with further questions, as well as give you the opportunity to ask yours.  Once we are comfortable with each other, you will be added to the waitlist.  When a puppy is available for you, we will contact you to determine if you are ready for a puppy in your life.  If you accept, then we require a $500 deposit to hold a puppy for you.  Please be aware that we select the puppy that we feel is the right one for you and your home, based on the information you have provided.  We place puppies based on temperament as the number one priority, then gender.  While you may prefer a specific color, we may not have the right puppy for you in that color, so color choice is not a main part of our selection criteria but will try to accommodate if possible.   Feel free to add anything to this application that will help us determine what you are looking for in a Lagotto Romagnolo.  To keep your application current, please check in with us at least every 6-months so we know you are still interested.  If we do not hear from you within a 6-month time frame from submission, we will consider your application “inactive” and you would likely be skipped when puppies are available.

We do have 2 puppies available to go to a new home in mid-November, so if interested, please fill out the application asap and how ready you are to welcome a new family member!!!

I understand if choosing a show quality prospect, I would be willing to keep the male intact for breeding or having at least one litter, if I choose a female, and I may be required to give Montagna del Mare a puppy of show/breeding quality on first litter.

If available, the color I would prefer the puppy to be: (Note: colors can change as the dog matures. Please also consider that if you specify a particular color, your application may be skipped over when that color is not available when a puppy is available. If you will accept any color offered, then indicate "no preference")

I understand if choosing a breeding prospect I may be required to give Montagna del Mare Lagottos a puppy of show/breeding quality on first litter.

I am interested in training my dog in:

Own or Rent?

Would you allow us to contact your landlord?

If renting, does your landlord allow you to have a dog?

Is your yard fenced?

If there are no children in the home, do you expect to have children or small children around at any time?

Have you ever owned a dog?

The dogs I previously owned were:

Does anyone in the household have pet allergies? (Note: although many people with allergies do well with the Lagotto, there are no guarantees that allergy sufferers will not be affected. Potential owners should meet a Lagotto before making a final decision.)

Do you have a person living in your household that is: (choose all that apply)

My dog will spend most of his/her time:

The mailman knocks on your door with a package delivery. I want my dog to:

How many hours a day will the dog normally be left alone?

Are you willing to crate train your dog?

If you are unable to keep your Lagotto, do you agree to return it to Montagna del Mare Lagottos?

Are you willing to keep the dog up to date on all its shots, screen for heartworm & use heartworm preventative, if indicated by your area veterinarian?

Are you willing to screen your dog for hip and eye defects?

Are you willing to have the dog's hips x-rayed (PennHip or OFA) at the appropriate age (each differs) and provide us with the report?

Are you willing to have your dog examined by a veterinarian at least once a year?

Are you willing to license the dog and keep it properly identified?

Will you give us permission to contact your veterinarian?

Are you willing to provide us with updates on the puppy such as training progress, health test results, and overall well being?

If necessary, are you willing to pay delivery charges for the puppy or pick the puppy up? (I do not ship puppies; however, I am willing to deliver. Delivery charges including airfair for me and the puppy, travel to & from airport, parking are not included but on average are approximately $400 - $600 and are NOT included in the price of the puppy)

If requesting the puppy be delivered, are you willing to pay the additional cost to have the puppy escorted so that it may ride in the cabin of the airplane instead of the cargo hold?

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